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Bed Bug Control & Exterminators in San Jose, CA

Are you waking up with itchy bites? Are bed bugs disrupting your sleep and peace of mind? Citra Pest Control in San Jose, CA, specializes in eliminating bed bugs so you can rest easy in your home once again. Don't let bed bugs become a nightmare - call us today to get rid of them for good.

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Don't Let Bed Bugs Steal Your Sleep: Citra Pest Control
Can Help

Are you waking up with itchy bites that look lined up in a row? Do you spot small, reddish insects or dark spots on your mattress or furniture? Unfortunately, bed bugs might have invaded your San Jose home. Don't let these pests disrupt your sleep and peace of mind any further.

The Best Bed Bug Exterminators in San Jose, CA

Bed bugs are a pervasive issue in homes across San Jose and the South Bay Area, sneaking into your living spaces without notice. These tiny pests can hitch a ride on anything from luggage and clothes to furniture and bedding. Once inside, they hide in mattresses, box springs, bed frames, and even behind wallpapers, making them incredibly difficult to eradicate without professional help. If you're struggling with a bed bug infestation, Citra Pest Control is your go-to expert in San Jose.

  • Deal with bed bugs that are currently in your home. The first step in effective bed bug control is to eliminate any current infestations in your home. Our skilled technicians at Citra Pest Control are trained to use advanced treatment methods that are safe for both children and pets, ensuring your home is free of bed bugs while keeping your family's safety a priority.
  • Get to the bottom of your bed bug problem. To prevent future infestations, it's crucial to target bed bugs at their source. Our treatments are designed not only to kill the bed bugs we directly treat but also to affect those hidden away. This method ensures that bed bugs are eradicated from your home thoroughly, helping to prevent a re-infestation.
  • Protect your home from bed bugs going forward. Bed bugs are persistent, and without a proactive approach, they can re-enter and infest your home. We apply a long-lasting, child and pet-safe treatment around potential entry points in your home, which acts as a barrier preventing future infestations. Regularly scheduled pest treatments can also be arranged to keep your home continuously safeguarded against bed bugs.

Rest Easy Again - Call Citra Pest Control Today!

Don't wait another sleepless night. Get rid of bed bugs for good and reclaim your sleep and your San Jose home. 

Partner with Citra Pest Control to eliminate your bed bug problems and prevent their return. You can easily schedule a service online or give us a call today at (408) 642-5390.

At Citra Pest Control we focus on the environment around us here in Northern California. We are experts at controlling bugs, insects, carpenter ants, spiders, rodents, and other pests indigenous to our area, things like the following:




Citra’s home protection pro program provides year-round protection for general household pests like ants, household spiders, cockroaches and more. Quarterly treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.



Citra’s home protection premium program provides year-round protection for general household pests like ants, household spiders, cockroaches and more. Bi-monthly treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.



Citra’s home protection elite program provides year-round protection for general household pests like ants, household spiders, cockroaches and more. Monthly treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.



Citra’s mosquito protection program provides year-round yard protection for mosquitoes. 7 seasonal treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.



Citra’s yellow jacket protection program provides year-round protection for yellow jackets. 7 seasonal treatments and a satisfaction guarantee.


For help choosing the right package, call today: (408) 642-5390

Eco-Friendly Pest Control

At Citra Pest Control we care about our Northern California environment and the impact our services can have on our local community. We are proud to use some of the most eco-friendly green products available on the market. Ask us about our green services to discuss the options that are available.

Don't Let Bed Bugs Cause Problems